Saturday, December 9, 2023



Question 1

What is the primary focus of Information Security Governance?

a) Implementing technical controls.

b) Ensuring regulatory compliance.

c) Aligning information security with business objectives.

d) Developing security policies.

Answer: c) Aligning information security with business objectives.

Explanation: Information Security Governance primarily aims to align the organization's information security strategies with its business objectives, ensuring that security efforts support business goals.

Question 2

Which of the following is a key component of Information Risk Management?

a) Identifying and categorizing assets.

b) Designing technical security controls.

c) Conducting performance appraisals.

d) Implementing security awareness training.

Answer: a) Identifying and categorizing assets.

Explanation: A key component of Information Risk Management is the identification and categorization of assets, which is essential for assessing and managing the risks associated with them.

Question 3

What is the primary purpose of an Information Security Program?

a) Ensuring compliance with laws and regulations.

b) Enhancing the technical skills of the IT staff.

c) Establishing procedures and guidelines for information security.

d) Achieving business objectives.

Answer: c) Establishing procedures and guidelines for information security.

Explanation: The primary purpose of an Information Security Program is to establish the procedures and guidelines necessary for protecting the organization's information assets.

Question 4

Which of the following best describes 'security incident management'?

a) Implementing security controls to prevent incidents.

b) Training staff on security policies.

c) Responding to and managing security incidents.

d) Performing regular risk assessments.

Answer: c) Responding to and managing security incidents.

Explanation: Security incident management involves the response and management of security incidents to minimize their impact on the organization.

Question 5

What is the most important reason for conducting regular security audits?

a) To comply with legal requirements.

b) To train new security personnel.

c) To identify and mitigate emerging security threats.

d) To maintain IT systems performance.

Answer: c) To identify and mitigate emerging security threats.

Explanation: Regular security audits are crucial for identifying and mitigating new and emerging security threats, ensuring the ongoing effectiveness of the security program.

Question 6

In risk management, what is the purpose of risk transference?

a) To eliminate the risk.

b) To reduce the risk to an acceptable level.

c) To shift the impact of the risk to another party.

d) To accept the risk without any action.

Answer: c) To shift the impact of the risk to another party.

Explanation: Risk transference involves shifting the impact or burden of a risk to another party, often through insurance or outsourcing.

Question 7

What role does top management play in Information Security Governance?

a) Direct involvement in daily security operations.

b) Defining security strategies and policies.

c) Implementing security software and tools.

d) Conducting security training for employees.

Answer: b) Defining security strategies and policies.

Explanation: Top management is responsible for defining the organization's information security strategies and policies, providing direction and support for the security program.

Question 8

A 'Business Impact Analysis' (BIA) is critical in which phase of business continuity planning?

a) Recovery phase.

b) Response phase.

c) Planning phase.

d) Testing phase.

Answer: c) Planning phase.

Explanation: The Business Impact Analysis (BIA) is a critical component of the planning phase in business continuity planning as it helps in identifying critical processes and the impact of their disruption.

Question 9

Which of the following is a primary goal of security awareness training?

a) To reduce the need for technical controls.

b) To ensure compliance with industry standards.

c) To enhance the security culture within the organization.

d) To prepare staff for security certification exams.

Answer: c) To enhance the security culture within the organization.

Explanation: The primary goal of security awareness training is to enhance the organization's security culture by making employees aware of security policies and practices.

Question 10

What is the most effective way to ensure the security of third-party vendors and service providers?

a) Regular security audits.

b) Mandating security training for their employees.

c) Including security requirements in contracts.

d) Implementing the same security tools used by the organization.

Answer: c) Including security requirements in contracts.

Explanation: The most effective way to ensure the security of third-party vendors and service providers is by including specific security requirements and standards in contractual agreements.

Question 11

A financial services firm has recently experienced a data breach. The investigation reveals that the breach occurred due to an outdated security patch on one of the servers.

What should be the first action following this incident?

a) Update all server security patches immediately.

b) Conduct a company-wide risk assessment.

c) Train all employees on cybersecurity best practices.

d) Review and update the incident response plan.

Answer: a) Update all server security patches immediately.

Explanation: The immediate action should be to update all server security patches to prevent similar vulnerabilities. This is a direct response to the identified cause of the breach.

Question 12

A large healthcare provider is planning to introduce a new patient data management system. The system will store and process highly sensitive health information.

What is the most important security consideration for this new system?

a) Ensuring the system is user-friendly.

b) Implementing robust encryption for data at rest and in transit.

c) Training the IT team on the new system's maintenance.

d) Making sure the system is cost-effective.

Answer: b) Implementing robust encryption for data at rest and in transit.

Explanation: Given the sensitivity of health information, ensuring robust encryption for data at rest and in transit is crucial for protecting patient data.

Question 13

An e-commerce company plans to outsource its customer service operations. This will involve sharing customer data with a third-party service provider.

What should the company include in its contract with the service provider to ensure data security?

a) A clause for regular performance reviews.

b) Specifications for required security controls and compliance standards.

c) A requirement for the service provider to use the company's security tools.

d) A plan for joint marketing initiatives.

Answer: b) Specifications for required security controls and compliance standards.

Explanation: The contract should specify the required security controls and compliance standards to ensure the third-party provider adequately protects customer data.

Question 14

A manufacturing company is implementing a Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) policy. The IT department is tasked with ensuring the security of corporate data on employee devices.

What is a key security measure for a successful BYOD implementation?

a) Mandating that employees use company-provided devices.

b) Installing antivirus software on all employee devices.

c) Developing and enforcing a comprehensive BYOD policy.

d) Banning the use of personal devices in the workplace.

Answer: c) Developing and enforcing a comprehensive BYOD policy.

Explanation: A comprehensive BYOD policy is crucial for defining the security measures and practices necessary to protect corporate data on personal devices.

Question 15

A university's IT department is undergoing an audit. The audit identifies that there is no formal process for managing and responding to security incidents.

What should be the university’s first step in addressing this finding?

a) Hiring a dedicated security incident response team.

b) Purchasing new security monitoring tools.

c) Developing a formal incident response plan.

d) Training the IT staff on incident detection.

Answer: c) Developing a formal incident response plan.

Explanation: The first step should be to develop a formal incident response plan, outlining procedures for identifying, managing, and mitigating security incidents effectively.

Ujian ISACA CISM (Certified Information Security Manager)

Ujian CISM dari ISACA dirancang untuk mengukur keahlian seorang profesional dalam manajemen keamanan informasi. Sertifikasi ini diakui secara global dan menekankan pada tata kelola keamanan informasi, pengelolaan risiko, serta pengembangan dan pengelolaan program keamanan informasi dalam sebuah organisasi.

Manfaat Sertifikasi CISM

Pengakuan Global: Sertifikasi CISM diakui di seluruh dunia sebagai standar keunggulan dalam bidang manajemen keamanan informasi.

Pengembangan Karir: Membantu dalam promosi karir, peningkatan gaji, dan membuka peluang baru dalam bidang keamanan informasi.

Kredibilitas Profesional: Menunjukkan komitmen dan pengetahuan mendalam dalam manajemen keamanan informasi.

Jaringan Profesional: Akses ke komunitas global profesional keamanan informasi.

Domain Ujian CISM

Ujian CISM mencakup empat domain utama:

Tata Kelola Keamanan Informasi: Prinsip dan praktik untuk mendukung dan memperkuat tujuan organisasi.

Manajemen Risiko dan Kepatuhan: Pengidentifikasian dan manajemen risiko keamanan informasi untuk memenuhi kepatuhan.

Pengembangan dan Manajemen Program Keamanan Informasi: Pembentukan dan pengelolaan infrastruktur keamanan.

Manajemen Insiden Keamanan Informasi: Persiapan, deteksi, investigasi, dan respon terhadap insiden keamanan.

Cara Mengambil Ujian

Pendaftaran Online: Daftar untuk ujian CISM melalui situs web ISACA.

Pilih Jadwal dan Lokasi Ujian: Ujian dapat diambil di pusat pengujian terakreditasi atau online.

Biaya Ujian

Biaya ujian CISM bervariasi berdasarkan keanggotaan ISACA dan lokasi geografis. Anggota ISACA biasanya membayar biaya yang lebih rendah dibandingkan non-anggota.

Persyaratan Ujian

Pengalaman Kerja: Minimal lima tahun pengalaman dalam bidang keamanan informasi, dengan tiga tahun pengalaman manajemen.

Pendidikan dan Pelatihan: Tidak ada prasyarat pendidikan atau pelatihan khusus, tetapi pelatihan resmi dan studi mandiri sangat disarankan.

Jumlah Soal dan Durasi Ujian

Ujian CISM terdiri dari 150 pertanyaan pilihan ganda dan harus diselesaikan dalam waktu 4 jam.

Manfaat Latihan Soal Ujian

Latihan soal ujian membantu calon memahami format dan jenis pertanyaan yang akan dihadapi, serta mengidentifikasi area yang memerlukan peningkatan. Ini meningkatkan kepercayaan diri dan kesiapan untuk ujian.

Trainer seperti Bapak Hery Purnama

Seorang trainer bersertifikasi CISM seperti Bapak Hery Purnama memiliki peran penting dalam mempersiapkan calon untuk ujian. Trainer yang berkualifikasi:

Mengajar Materi Domain: Memberikan pemahaman mendalam tentang empat domain ujian.

Pengalaman Praktis: Berbagi pengetahuan praktis dan kasus nyata yang relevan dengan manajemen keamanan informasi.

Strategi Ujian: Membantu mengembangkan teknik belajar dan strategi untuk menjawab pertanyaan ujian.

Latihan Soal: Menyediakan dan membahas latihan soal untuk memperkuat pemahaman dan kesiapan ujian.

Dengan dukungan dan bimbingan dari trainer seperti Bapak Hery Purnama, calon untuk ujian CISM dapat meningkatkan peluang mereka untuk berhasil mendapatkan sertifikasi.


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